Category: Post Renovation Cleaning

Category: Post Renovation Cleaning

The horrible problem with rug toilet seat covers

I know we all like to have a pretty toilet. Beautiful matching rugs give our toilet that superb look. But there is one problem. Rug toilet seat covers keep a lot of germs underneath. They tend to collect urine on the bottom and the combination of urine, air and dust is perfect breeding ground for all sorts of creepy germs. Unless you are prepared to wash them every other day. I don’t know about you, but I don’t see myself washing the rugs every other day.

Despite what your mommies Facebook group says. Do away with the rug toilet seat cover and keep your toilet clean and free from germs.

Covid-19 Guidelines

To ensure the safety of our Cleaners and Clients, we follow the Disaster management act, National Health Laboratory Services and Centre for Disease Control Covid-19 personal protection and cleaning guidelines.
These are the precautions we have taken to protect our Cleaners and Clients:

  • Our Cleaners are trained in Covid-19 prevention, detection and response measures for both personal care and cleaning.
  • Our Cleaners will sanitize their hands prior to entering your home/office space
  • Our towels and rags are always cleaned and sanitized daily.
  • We offer a free frequently touched surfaces cleaning and disinfection. All touch points are cleaned with NRCS- approved cleaning products.
  • Our cleaning professionals will use face masks and disposable aprons when they are in your home, office or school.
  • We take the temperature of our cleaners on a daily basis and require them to complete a disclosure form on a daily basis to confirm if they are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 such as coughing, sneezing, head ache and shortness of breath.
  • We will under no circumstance allow a cleaner that is sick or has any flu like symptoms to come to your home or work space.

As a client we request you to:

  • Stay up to date the government Covid-19 guidelines at
  • Stay in a different room from the one that is being cleaned to maintain social distancing.
  • Self isolate and inform us if you have Covid-19 symptoms.